11. Describe the different structures and techniques that cells employ to move themselves from place to place OR to move material over their surfaces
-Previously explained
12. Review the stages of mitotic cell division
Mitotic cell division is a process in which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosomes in its nucleus into two identical sets in two separate nuclei. Then cytokinesis divides the nuclei, cytoplasm, organelles and cell membrane into two roughly equal cells. (The division of the mother cell into two daughter cells)
13. Explain the differences between animal and plant cells
14. Describe the difference between light microscopes and elctron microscopes
Both electron and light microscopes are technical devices which are used for visualizing structures that are too small to see with the naked eye. Electron microscopes have higher resolutions and are therefore are also capable of a higher magnification (up to 2 million times), but it is nearly impossible to observe living organisms. Light microscopes on the other hand are able to view living organisms.
15. Identify some of the advantages and disadvantages of electron microscopy.
-Advantages: Depending on the type of microscope, it is possible to view the three dimensional external shape of an object
-Electron microscopes have a greater depth of field compared to light microscopes
-Disadvantages: Sample preparations are much more complex
-Difficult identification of objects
-Can not view in color, and microscopes are expensive.
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